
Universal printer Xiaobian teach you a few tricks to save ink skills


Universal printer supplies are commonly used ink, cleaning liquid, ink box, grating ruler and data lines, and many other kinds. The most consumed and most commonly used is ink. At present, the market price of ink is not cheap, so the daily use of universal flat-panel printer production work, we must pay attention to ink savings, do not waste ink. How can we reduce the waste of ink? Jingutian universal printer and we simply say. The ink consumption of the flatbed printer is too fast, possibly due to the waste caused by the following incorrect operation:


1., universal flat-panel printer printing work has not been completed, the printer closed.

2. do not turn off the flat printer in the correct way. The correct way to turn off the universal printer is to press the Power button to turn off the printer, and then unplug the power plug. Do not unplug the printer from the socket while the printer is still working. Turn off the printer.

3., each cleaning nozzle will also consume a lot of ink, so under normal printing conditions, as little as possible cleaning nozzle, when the printing quality drops, immediately cleaning nozzle.

In the daily production work needs to be done in the universal printer proper use and daily maintenance in order to reduce the consumption of the ink waste and saved ink for the production, further reduce production costs and achieve low investment, high yield